
Greg Hyde’s etchings are produced using zinc plates covered with a protective coating. The image is scratched, in reverse, onto the coating using a sharp scribe tool, allowing the great detail to be achieved. The plates are then dipped in nitric acid which eats into the plate only where the coating has been scribed through. Various effects are achieved by reapplying different protective coatings to certain areas of the plate, and by variations in amount of time different areas of the plate are exposed to the nitric acid. Each etching is then individually inked and printed, and then often coloured by hand.

Etchings are wonderful as individual pieces or framed in collections or series’. Etchings are usually framed with generous complementary mats that draw the eye to the detail in the etching.

Greg Hyde’s etchings are released in limited editions, usually of 100, each individually numbered and signed. The etchings shown below represent the editions that are currently available. 

Bathurst Courthouse - 5x15cm.jpg
Oh Sweetheart etching 5x5cm.jpg